Posted in Education, journalism, multimedia journalist, Technology

10 Things You Can Do NOW To Step Up Your Digital Game

It’s a new year, and it’s not too late to add a work-related resolution — learn new digital skills. Don’t be afraid. We’ve compiled this list of 10 simple things to get you started!

  1. Hold and record a Google Hangout.
  2. Step up your game on Twitter.
  3. Record and upload a story on Soundcloud.
  4. Create an embeddable map using Google Fusion Tables.
  5. Try your hand at coding – for free!
  6. Test out these alternatives to a PowerPoint presentation.
  7. Learn how to make infographics.
  8. Take a Skillcrush class on becoming a WordPress developer.
  9. Whip up an embeddable timeline using Timeline JS.
  10. Learn Google Analytics with a free online course.