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Calendar of Multimedia Training, Events & Fellowships

By Benét J. Wilson, DJTF co-chair, Online Managing Editor-Business Aviation, Aviation Week Group

Webbmedia Group has a great calendar of events that catches things not covered below.  If you want to subscribe to the calendar, click hereYou can also subscribe to this calendar so the information appears on your personal Google Calendar. Just go to the Webbmedia Google calendar, click the “+Google Calendar” icon at the bottom right, and then click “Yes, add this calendar” in the dialog box.)

The Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism at Arizona State University has updated its calendar of free workshops and webinars through November.  And Media Bistro has its current course list available through December.

Ongoing: Steve Buttry, director of community engagement and social media for Journal Register Co., is teaching the Poynter News University course Introduction to Reporting: Beat Basics. This free, self-taught course helps you identify the key issues and sources on your beat, learn how to determine what’s included in your beat and develop the resources to focus your coverage.


  • The Poynter Institute’s News University is holding a webinar, “Mobile Apps: Expanding Your Reach and Audience,” Sept. 8 at 2:00 p.m.  The webinar, part of the ONAovation Partnership, will address how mobile applications can help you reach your target audience in new, revenue-generating ways.  The cost is $29.95; $9.95 for members of the Online News Association.
  • The Scripps Howard Foundation and American Press Institute will hold a workshop, “Building Your Journalistic Brand,” Sept. 16 in Reston, Va.  Taught by Joe Grimm, Visiting Professor, Michigan State University School of Journalism, attendees will complete a workbook that will become a customized branding blueprint. The cost is $15, and includes lunch and a workbook. You must register by Sept. 13.
  • Sept. 15 is the deadline to apply for the Abe Fellowship for Journalists (AFJ). The fellowship is sponsored by the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP).  The Abe Fellowship for Journalists is designed to encourage in-depth coverage of topics of pressing concern to the United States and Japan through individual short-term policy-related projects.
  • Sept. 15 is also the deadline to apply for Harvard University’s Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy’s 25th anniversary video contest.  The center is calling on aspiring journalists, filmmakers and avid media consumers to help think about the future of news. To be eligible for the competition, you must create a video no more than two minutes long (PG-rated please) that answers the question, “What is the future of news?”
  • The National Health Policy Training Alliance for Communities of Color is hosting a training Sept. 21-23 for reporters who are interested in covering health care. The training will take place at the St. Louis Hotel in New Orleans. The training aims to bring attention to important health issues that affect minority communities and to ensure that they have the tools, resources, and information needed to report on these topics.  Registration is $75.
  • The Online News Association will hold its annual Conference and Online Journalism Awards Banquet Sept. 22-24, 2011 in Boston.
  • The Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism will hold a morning workshop Sept. 25 during the SPJ/RTDNA Excellence in Journalism Conference Sept. 25-27 in New Orleans. In the session, you’ll learn where to find key company financial information and how to dissect essential financial statements and Securities and Exchange Commission documents. Gain the skills that will enable you to follow the money and stay on top of the biggest story around – the economy.
  • The Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) and the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) are holding a joint conference, Excellence in Journalism 2011, Sept. 25-27 in New Orleans.
  • Smart Phones, Smart Journalism, a one-day workshop presented by ASNE, Freedom Forum New Media Training and hosted by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, will be held Sept. 28, 2011. Using mobile technology to report faster and add multimedia on the go is an essential skill for today’s journalist. This workshop will teach you to extend the capabilities of your smart phone through the use of multimedia, editing, note taking, location and live streaming apps.  The cost is $50, but a discount is available for ASNE members.
  • The Block By Block Community News Summit will be held at Loyola University in Chicago Sept. 29.  Join co-hosts Reynolds Fellow Michele McLellan and Jay Rosen of for a lively and informative gathering of online community news entrepreneurs. Share your best practices, progress and challenges with fellow local news pioneers and learn from their experiences as well.


  • Podcamp Philly will be held Oct. 1-2 at Temple University.  The unconference will bring together audio and video podcasters, enthusiasts, businesspeople, hobbyists, musicians, promoters, marketers, and people who generally want to understand more about the new media space. The cost is $20.
  • The Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism will hold a free, one-day Business Journalism Boot Camp in Minneapolis, Oct. 4. In this free, daylong workshop, you’ll learn the basics of business for public companies, private companies and nonprofits. Award-winning professors and journalists will have you analyzing financial statements to find stories about public companies, as well as tracking public information on private companies and nonprofits. Learn how to dissect the new IRS Form 990 line-by-line to find stories about local nonprofits. Examples will be tailored to the Minnesota market.
  • The Freedom Forum Diversity Institute is holding its Advanced Multimedia Boot Camp, Multimedia Training for Journalism Professionals and Educators Oct. 12-16, 2011, and Nov. 16-20, in Nashville, Tenn., at the John Seigenthaler Center. Learn things including: shoot and edit a mini-documentary; create a WordPress blog to host a project; use Google Maps and add images and video; and incorporate Twitter and Facebook Connect on your blog.  The cost is $850 for the course.
  • The Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism will hold a free one-day workshop, “Digital Efficiency for Business Journalists — 36 Tips to Tame Info Overload,” in New York City Oct. 13.  It will include 36+ specific sites, tools and techniques for those who face a growing mass of digital information. The half-day session is not about theory or about how big the problem is, but instead about how to make each working day more efficient by using specific tools, techniques and best practices.
  • The Poynter Institute’s News University is holding a day-long video seminar, “Video Storytelling with the Pros: Lighting, Writing and Surviving,” Oct. 16, starting at 10:00 a.m. EDT.  Spend a day in this video workshop, co-sponsored by the National Press Photographers Foundation, learning how award-winning professionals work through the storytelling process.  The cost is $65.00.
  • The Society of Environmental Journalists will hold its 21st annual conference in Miami Oct. 19-23.  Meet journalists from throughout the hemisphere — Chile, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and more — and learn what issues they face reporting on the environment.
  • Blogalicious will he held Oct. 21-23 in Washington, D.C.  Founded in 2009, the Blogalicious Weekend conferences are aimed at celebrating the diversity of women of all ethnicities in social media.
  • Journalism Interactive: The Conference on Journalism Education & Digital Media will be held Oct. 28-29 at the University of Maryland-College Park. The event will explore the intersection of digital media and journalism education.  Early-bird full conference registration is $150; day passes are $85.



  • BlogWorld & New Media will be held Nov. 3-5 in Los Angeles.  The conference is the first and only industry-wide conference, tradeshow and media event dedicated to blogging, podcasting, social media, social networking, online video, music, Internet TV and radio. The New Media Expo provides the only industry-wide new media marketplace for networking, online business and marketing resources, while the Social Media Business Summit is the world’s largest social media business conference where business owners, marketing executives and global brands learn strategies, tools and technologies to grow their businesses with social media. Register at with the promo code MASH20 to save 20% off the ticket price!
  • The Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism will hold a one-day seminar, “Introduction to Covering the Green Economy: Las Vegas,” Nov. 4 in conjunction with the Association for Alternative Newsmedia.  The workshop will introduce journalists to the business behind the green economy.  The cost is $25.
  • Nov. 15 is the deadline for college juniors, seniors and graduate students who have demonstrated an interest in and aptitude for copy editing to apply for several scholarships awarded each year by the ACES Education Fund, an affiliate of the American Copy Editors Society. The scholarships are open to students who will be college juniors, seniors or graduate students in the fall, and to graduating students who will take full-time copy editing jobs or internships.


  • The Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism will hold a free webinar, “Quick-Hit Business Investigations — Concept to Execution” Dec. 6 at noon or 4:00 p.m. EDT. Matt Apuzzo, investigative reporter at the Washington bureau of The Associated Press will provide practical advice on how to pull off investigations that might take one to two weeks.
  • Reuters is now offering scholarships for journalists from developing countries to attend a course in London Dec. 12-16.  Full Bursaries for journalists from the developing world/countries in political transition working for organizations with no resources for training. Bursaries would include air travel expenses (economy class), accommodation and a modest living allowance. This arrangement is subject to variation. Part-funded Bursaries are available for journalists from the developing world/countries in political transition who work for organizations that have limited resources for training, in this instance Thomson Reuters Foundation waives the tuition cost and the participant will be expected to cover travel and accommodation costs. In exceptional circumstances journalists from the developed world will be considered for part-funded bursaries.  Applications are due Sept. 1.


  • The Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism will hold the Strictly Financials/Business Journalism Professors Seminars in Phoenix, Ariz., Jan. 2-5, 2012.  The center is offering 24 fellowships worth $2,000 each for four days of study in business journalism for experienced business journalists and prospective business journalism professors.  Fellowships cover training, lodging, materials and most meals. Fellows receive a $500 stipend to offset travel and other costs.
  • The Scripps Howard Foundation and the Arizona State University’s Cronkite School are offering fellowships to journalism professors interested in introducing entrepreneurial concepts and practices into their teaching of journalism. The five-day institute, Jan. 4-8, 2012, will immerse participants in the concepts and practice of entrepreneurship. Held at the Cronkite School’s state-of-the-art facility in downtown Phoenix, it will be led by Dan Gillmor, author of “Mediactive” and an internationally known speaker and thinker on new media and entrepreneurship. Gillmor will be joined by entrepreneurs, investors and Cronkite faculty.  The deadline to apply is Nov. 1.


If you have any items that I’ve missed, please drop me an email via the DJTF Yahoo! Listserv or at benet AT aviationqueen DOT com.  Thanks!


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